Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learning through activities

Different ways to teach our children MATH:
board games, counting money, playing with dice, cooking (measuring), clock timer, learning to tell time, use toys to count or subtract, workbooks, count grocery items, conversions, navigate GPS, what can you buy for $5, allowance, bank book/savings, cut pizza into fractions/quantity

Different ways to teach our children SOCIAL SKILLS:
play act situations that use a variety of social skills, talking on the phone, dress up, act out stories, picnic with friends and family, sports, hand shakes, welcome people, say bye, assign a role when guest come over, play dates, lots of exposure to social settings – on transit, in mall

Different ways to teach our children PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:
mime/exaggerate movement indoors with a variety of sports, keep score, discuss rules, strategy, show and tell, hiking (nature walks), volunteer for sports, clean up park 9service for community), biking, skiing, gardening

Different way to teach our children CREATIVITY:
paints, crayons, play dough, paper box building, Lego blocks, snow man building, arts and crafts , , role playing, dance and play, incorporate all of the above into everyday situations-whenever , they need something or want to do something, turn into creative problem solving

Different way to teach our children READING:
grocery shopping, labels, food prep, restaurant menus, street signs, instructions, name tags on , presents, email/Christmas cards and letters, chapter books, recipes, logos, sounding out , letters/blends, chalkboard/sand box, flashcards, printing/writing, audio books, magnetic letters on fridge

Different way to teach our children PROBLEM SOLVING
brainstorm, puzzles, what if? accidents, earthquake, fire (indoor and outdoor situations), reading comprehension, playing games, ask questions to open their thinking and observation skills when , asking for your help-ask them what they think would be possible…how, what etc…

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