Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Victory for Religious Freedom in Egypt

المصريون – خاص: : بتاريخ 29 - 1 - 2008 منحت محكمة القضاء الإداري أمس، البهائيين الحق بالحصول على بطاقات هوية شخصية بدون ذكر انتمائهم الديني فيها، منهية بذلك أربع سنوات من الجدل الدائر حول القضية التي تخللتها أحكام بعدم الاعتراف بالبهائية كدين.
وقضت المحكمة للمواطن البهائي رءوف هندي بحقه بالحصول على وثائق إثبات هوية شخصية لطفليه التوأم، وذلك بترك خانة الدين فارغة من خلال وضع إشارة فيها على شكل خط أفقي صغير (-).
CAIRO: Cairo’s Administrative Court today recognized the right of Egyptian Bahais to leave the religious affiliation field on birth certificates and identity cards blank.

Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), the human rights NGO that brought the two cases, said, “This is a very welcome decision. It addresses a great injustice suffered by Bahai citizens who face arbitrary and discriminatory practices based on their religious beliefs. We urge that the authorities implement the Administrative Court’s decision,”

Egyptian Bahai Labib Hanna told Daily News Egypt that he welcomed the decision but that questions remained about its scope. The question now remains whether this verdict applies only to birth certificates and national ID cards or whether we will be able to get all documents without problems,”.

Interior ministry officials had no immediate comment on the ruling and did not say if the government would appeal.

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