Saturday, March 28, 2009

We did it tonight and turned off the lights

Close to 1,200 cities and towns in more than 80 countries have signed on to mark Earth Hour. China participated for the first time, cutting the lights at Beijing's Bird's Nest Stadium and Water Cube, the most prominent 2008 Olympic venues.
In Egypt, the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx were darkened.
In Greece, floodlights at the Acropolis in Athens were switched off and an outdoor concert was staged on an adjacent hill, which many Athenians approached in a candlelight procession.
In Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral were among 200 monuments and buildings that went dark.

Wonderful night spent with our children on the light of candles to save our Planet.
Our son asked us the following question:
What would we do if we had the power to change the World into a better place?
what do you think our dear Reader?

أمضينا أمسية جميلة اليوم وسط أولادنا على أضواء الشموع مشاركة منا في الحملة القومية لتوفير الطاقة
سؤال للقارىئ العزيز: ماذا تفعل أولا لو وجدت نفسك تملك القدرة على تغيير العالم إلى عالم أفضل؟

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