Monday, November 12, 2007

What is Freedom? ما هى الحرية؟

When my parents were arrested and imprisoned for 45 days, because of their religious believes, I was 10 years old at that time. Our aunt took care of my sister, brother and I during the 45 days. We had a choice at that time, either go to mosque and pray as a Muslim or stay home and pray as a Baha'i. I started praying and asking God for guidance and assistance on choosing my path of worship, either to be a Baha'i or be like the rest of the Muslim children at my school . My parents taught us that we have the freedom to investigate the truth and not to follow others blindly. At age 10, I had the freedom to choose my religion and I will never regret my choice.

"Freedom is an essential part of human being. It expresses itself in freedom of choice. Nobody can take freedom of choice away from a human..." Agnes Ghaznavi
Of course, freedom does not mean to do whatever we want when ever we want! Human freedom not like the freedom of animals. I remember what English people say: My freedom to swing my hands stops at my neighbour's nose.
Please educate your children on the difference between right and wrong, allow them to choose, to express opinion, to be creative and to build capacity.

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