Saturday, July 26, 2008

See what happen when there are Unity and Justice

إن شاء الله نسمع قريبا من ......مصر خبر شبيه:
رئيس الوزراء الكندى ستيفن هاربر اعلن مؤخرا ان كندا اكثر وحدة الأن مما كانت عليه منذ أربعة عقود..." إنتهى
من شروط التقدم: العدل والوحدة الوطنية

From Thursday July 24, 2008 Globe and Mail
Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared recently that, "We are more united than at any point, than we have been, in four decades." .................It need not be just noted, but celebrated. A new unity, a more mature stage of nationhood has arguably been reached, setting the stage for more ennobling possibilities.A new unity? Best in 40 years, as the PM puts it?................ The lessening of dependence enhances Canadian independence.

Over time, Canada has faced three unity threats: American annexation, Quebec separatism, Western alienation..... But now, all three threats have significantly receded or been vanquished. Times are preciously few when we have been able to say this......It took a while, but the big, sprawling, multicultured family is getting its act together. The new harmony gives the country an opportunity to behold new frontiers, new national projects ................The country can get on, finally, with other stuff. And hallelujah for that!

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