Sunday, March 11, 2018

Baha'i Fast Mar 2 till 20th

The Basics of the Baha’i Fast
the Baha’i teachings recommend abstaining from food and drink during the daylight hours for 19 days prior to the vernal equinox every year:
… as the sun and moon constitute the brightest and most prominent luminaries in the heavens, similarly in the heaven of the religion of God two shining orbs have been ordained—fasting and prayer.                                      Baha’u’llah, The Book of Certitude, p. 39.
… this material fast is an outer token of the spiritual fast; it is a symbol of self-restraint, the withholding of oneself from all appetites of the self, taking on the characteristics of the spirit, being carried away by the breathings of heaven and catching fire from the love of God.                                                             – Abdu’l-BahaSelections from the Writings of Abdu’l-Baha, p. 69.

for more details, follow the link below:

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