Friday, October 14, 2016

Opening of the Baha'i Chile Temple

“Santiago will be different from now on because of this beautiful temple that has been given to usIt doesn’t matter what religion we belong to, what creed we profess, our cities are full of the thirst for silence and to transcend.”  

This role the House of Worship has as a “transcendental space that looks for unity and respect for all religious backgrounds” was emphasised by the representative of the President of Chile, Minister Secretary General Nicolás Eyzaguirre.

“It is a Temple which makes our landscape a more beautiful one,” he added. “It will become an icon and it will remind us how important it is to find the unity between the city and nature.”

The Temple is located in Peñalolen, a commune whose name in the local language means “reunion of brothers.” As the site for the final continental Baha’i House of Worship, there could be no better name, and no better location. 

“Today we see the beauty of its creation, together with all the divine and human forces that have made it possible,” Mr. Orrego said. 

The governor of the Peñalolen commune, Claudio Orrego, addressed the audience in moving terms. Echoing the Minister’s remarks, he explained that the Temple was seen as a “huge gift” to the citizens of Chile and beyond. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Egypt 2052

Let us plan for Eygpt in 2052!!

Could we all come together and consult on how to build a Vision for Egypt's future, Egypt 2052?
Let us write our future! Do you Agree?

Important key aspects of our life are; Religion, Economics, Education, Culture, Social,....

  • We all belong to Egypt where we born, lived or connected. Concept of Oneness 

  • The role of women in developing the country; gender equality at home, school, work and social life.

  • Education and quality of life:

                          - What a school in 2052 will look like?
                          - Collaboration not competition
                          - Harmony between science and religion 
                          - Role of Sports and Arts in the children's life
                          - Volunteer hours in serving the local community
  • Human Rights of ALL citizens
                        - Tolerance at school, at work and at social life

  • Economics; 
                        - Ensure that prosperity is shared across the population
                         - Agriculture and healthy food
                        - Reduction in the gap between extreme wealth and poverty
                        - Fair system of taxes
  • Culture: 
                          - Beautifying the Language
                          - Arts and Literature
                          - Media and searching for truth and reporting facts
                          - Moderation in fashion and clothes

  • Youth and involvement in society:
                      - As a key player

Food for thoughts for now.....

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Baha'i Marriage and Family Life

Elements of "Marriage and Family Life" as an important aspect of a coherent life:
- Daily prayers as a family and reading the Writings
- Learning how to give adequate attention to both our family and our community
- Learning to contribute to the spiritual and material development of our community
- Developing a habit of Consultation and Problem Solving
- Developing a habit of Consultation, Planning, and Advancing each other career

We were fortunate raising our children in a number of strong communities. Our children benefited from service activities and built strong capacity of serving others....

"As soon as a Baha'i family unit emerges, 
the members should feel responsible for making the collective life of the family a spiritual reality, animated by divine love and inspired by the ennobling principles of the Faith. 
To achieve this purpose, 
the reading of the Sacred Writings and prayers should ideally become a daily family activity. 
As far as the teaching work is concerned, 
just as individuals are called upon to adopt teaching goals, 
the family itself could adopt its own goals. 
In this way the friends could make of their families, strong healthy units, 
bright candles for the diffusion of the light of the Kingdom, 
and powerful centres to attract the heavenly confirmations." 
Universal House of Justice: Lights of Guidance

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Haply ye may become a source of comfort to one another"

A summary of the Kitab-i-Asma , 
one of the most important works of the Báb.
by Neysan Zölzer-Mehrabkhani 

The words “Kitáb-i-Asmá” come from Arabic and mean “Book of Names”.  The Book of Names is not fully translated, but parts of it are translated and published in the book “Selections from the Writings of the Báb”. 

It is also the first time that the analogy of the leaves and fruits of one tree is used to describe unity:
 “We have created you from one tree 
and have caused you to be 
as the leaves and fruit of the same tree, 
that haply ye may become 
a source of comfort to one another.” 

The Book is about doing away with hatred and prejudices for they are veils that keep you from seeing the Promised Beloved. The believers should perform good deeds at all times to please “Him Whom God shall make manifest”. The Báb urged His followers to let go of their pride: “Some of you are filled with pride by reason, others because of your learning”. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."

BOGOTA, 12 July 2016, (BWNS) — Approaching a highly anticipated, historic peace agreement in Colombia between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), President Juan Manuel Santos invited over 100 religious representatives to gather at the Presidential Palace on 4 July 2016.

Given the unique role that religion plays in inspiring individuals and communities to work together for the common good, this event sought to explore the contributions religion can make to the peace process in Colombia, a country which has endured almost seven decades of violent civil conflict.

Addressing the audience, President Santos spoke about the common aspiration among all religions for peace and harmony. Drawing on sacred scriptures, he quoted a passage from Baha'u'llah: "So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."

To read the article online, view a slideshow of photographs and access links:

Sunday, January 24, 2016

فى كلمته إلى الأمة أمس بمناسبة الذكرى الخامسة لثورة الخامس والعشرين من يناير

فى كلمته إلى الأمة أمس بمناسبة الذكرى الخامسة لثورة الخامس والعشرين من يناير، أكد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى أن شبابا من خيرة أبناء الوطن قد ضحوا بأرواحهم، خلال ثورة الشعب المصرى،

وأؤكد للجميع .. أن مصر اليوم ليست مصر الأمس .. وإنما نحن نشيد معا .. دولة مدنية حديثة متطورة .. تعلى قيم الديمقراطية والحرية .. وتواصل مسيرتها التنموية وبناءها الاقتصادى.. وستبقى الدولة المصرية تبذل كافة الجهود اللازمة لمحاربة الفساد والقضاء عليه.. إداريا كان أو ماليا .. إعلاء لقيم المساءلة والمحاسبة .. وحفاظا على المال العام .. وضمانا لبيئة آمنة ومستقرة وجاذبة للاستثمار.

وإلى شباب مصر أقول .. إذا كان الشعب المصرى هو سلاح الوطن لمواجهة التحديات.. فأنتم ذخيرته .. ووقود عمله .. وكل ما تحرص الدولة على إحرازه فإنما هو لكم ولأبنائكم فى المستقبل .. فأنتم ركيزة أساسية من ركائز المجتمع المصرى .. وعامل رئيسى من عوامل تقدمــــــه ونهوضــــــه.

وختاما أقول .. لن ينهض هذا البلد سوى بجهودكم أنتم يا أبناء مصر .. بعملكم الجاد.. بعقولكم المبدعة .. وسواعدكم القوية.. إن صدق النوايا يتعين أن يقترن بحسن العمل .. فوطننا ينادى .. وحتما سنلبى جميعا النداء .. عملا جادا .. وجهدا دءوبا .. إخلاصا لا ينقطع.. فمـن أجلكـم وبقوتكـم تحيــا مصــر.

تحيا مصر عزيزة قوية .. ويحيا شعبها مخلصا أبيا ..
تحيا مصر .. تحيا مصر .. تحيا مصر

Although he didn’t mention the now-banned Muslim Brotherhood directly, the president criticised the group’s rule of the country, saying that since they were ousted from power, “Egypt has turned from a country that belongs to one group to a country for all.”
"The fair and objective assessment of what Egypt has accomplished in less than two years is that it turned from having an authority that was hostile to the people and the rest of state’s facilities, to an authority that now respects people's choices and aspirations," El-Sisi said.