Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our son is asking WHY??

Six Bahá’í leaders in Iran were arrested and taken to the notorious Evin prison yesterday in a sweep that is ominously similar to episodes in the 1980s when scores of Iranian Bahá’í leaders were summarily rounded up and killed.................

Our son had asked us why the government of Iran have arrested the Six Baha'is and put them in jail? We told him, good question and we do not know a good answer. May be the Iranian government thinks that Baha'is are against Islam!! He replied; but we studied profit Mohamed in out children classes and we love him as a messenger from God. He then commented that: he does not think that profit Mohamed would be happy putting people believe in Him in jail......

a man of the family of Pharaoh, who was a believer, but hid hisfaith, said, "Will ye slay a man because he saith my Lord is god, when he hathalready come to you with proofs of his mission from your Lord? (The Qur'an, Sura 40 - The Believer)


Anonymous said...

Dear Eman & Yasser,

by accident I came upon your blog. Thank you so much for all the inspiring stories and quotes,
I wish you all the best and this blog is a beautiful teaching tool!!

"God grant that the light of unity may envelop the whole earth..."

Love from Maartje, the Netherlands

Eman and Yasser said...

Thanks Dear Maartje for your comment. We welcome you to our blog. We agree, the tabernacle of Unity will soon be raised.