Wednesday, May 2, 2007

CONSULTATION is part of Baha'i family life

Consultation is part of Baha'i family life. It is essential to every family to be able to overcome the problems that we face today. We always ask our children their opinion when we decide to go somewhere or do one activity together. They right away cooperate and help to the best of their ability. It is always easy to teach them consultation at a younger age.

Consultation brings unity and love to the family.

"The atmosphere within a Baha'i family as within the community as a whole
should express 'the keynote of the Cause of God' which not dictatorial authority but humble fellowship, not arbitrary power, but the spirit of frank and loving consultation'." (Lights of Guidance)


Anonymous said...

It is excellent that your children are learning consultation in the home. As the basic unit in society, the family is the place to learn love, unity, harmony, cooperation, respect for each other's differences, and consultation is the best tool for this.

Please, dear friends, it would be helpful if you would describe in detail exactly how this is done in your home.

God bless you for your faithful efforts to raise "an ever-advancing civilization". May He always aid and protect you.

Eman and Yasser said...

Thanks dear friend, we will explain in details how we consult at home with our children in the upcoming post.