We are a Baha'i family, born & raised in Egypt. We love to share our thoughts and views on a few topics based on Baha'i principles, such as family life, education, human rights and the environment.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Best Letter in 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Fourth Faith? Why we need a new Faith?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
العدل هو المطلب الأساسى لكل بهائى مصرى
العدل هو المطلب الأساسى لكل بهائى مصرى , هل الطلب صعب التحقيق فى مصر؟
مقالة جميله للأستاد محمود عرفات ............المواطنة هى الحل
على موقع الازمة كتب الاستاذ محمود عرفات مقالة من جزئين تم نشر الجزء الثانى 14-11-2010
أضحكتني مؤسسة الأزهر والله.. أنا أدرك أنها مؤسسة لا تمثل دومًا الوسطية كما نتخيل، بل هي مؤسسة التجديد والتطوير والاجتهاد ببعض علمائها، وفي نفس الوقت مؤسسة النقل والجمود ونفاق السائد بعلماء آخرين ونظرة واحدة إلى تاريخ الأزهر المعادي لمحمد عبده وطه حسين وعلي عبد الرازق وكل من فكر فقط مجرد تفكير في أي شيء يخالف السائد، أما أن تصدر فتوى وتصير مبرر الوضع المضحك هذا فهي النكتة بحق، إذ أن الفتوى كانت تقول بأن كل من ينضم للبهائية من المسلمين مرتد، والمسألة تبدو منطقية فهي ديانة تعاكس الإسلام، لكن الآن وجدنا من يفسرها كالآتي: لو أبوك وجدك وجد جدك بهائيون فأنت مسلم مرتد؟؟
ببساطة تم تفسيرها على أن من يؤمن بها ولو من أسرة بهائية فهو مرتد.. وبالطبع سار قطيع الكارهين لكل شيء وراء هذا بكل حماس وكعادته صمت الأزهر بعد تردُّد فهو يدرك مضمون فتواه التي تتناول المسلم الذي يرتد بإيمانه بالبهائية ولا تشمل صاحب الأصل البهائي (وهذا لا يحتاج شرحًا لمن له عقل ويستطيع التفكير)، وحاول البعض الضحك علينا بالقول إنهم مرتدُّون لقوله بإيمانهم بالإسلام كذلك فهم مسلمون ثم إيمانهم بالبهائية (الإيمان البهائي يشمل الاعتراف بالإسلام دينًا سابقًا للبهائية)، وبالتالي فهم مسلمون يؤمنون بالبهائية والرد بسيط:
المسلم هو من يؤمن بالإسلام كآخر الديانات ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم آخر الرسل وهم لم ولن يؤمنوا بهذا أبدًا حتى في مفهومهم للإسلام، وبالتالي فهم لم يكونوا أصلاً مسلمين، وكما ذكرت تقاعس الأزهر عن التدخُّل وراح بعدها يتدخل لكن بالاتجاه المعاكس. ببساطه راح يؤكد معنى لم تتضمَّنه الفتوى ورؤية لا يحملها الأزهر وراح يحرِّض على قتل المصريين البهائيين بكل بساطة لأنهم بهائيون. فقط لهذا السبب الأخطر أنه راح يروِّج لفكرة تحالفهم مع اليهود وصهيونيتهم، أي يسب ويقذف كل مصري بهائي بصورة تكفل لكل بهائي في العالم حق رفع دعوى سب وقذف ضد الأزهر، وسرعان ما باتت سبوبة الأزهر تحريضًا علنيًّا على قتل البهائيين نظرًا إلى فراغ الساحة مع استيلاء المتأسلمين على الفكر الشعبي ومصادرة العقل وانبطاح المثقفين وموت الأحزاب أو مشاركته للأزهر في احتفالية قتل البهائيين.
*تخيلوا معي الآتي: أوروبا وأميركا المسيحيتين تعجبان بالتدين الشديد لدينا ببركة الأزهر وفتواه وتقرِّران تقليدنا فتتجهان لشعوبهما قائلتين:
أيتها الشعوب المسيحية هناك دين يسمى الإسلام أفتى بابا الفاتيكان لكم أنه دين يحرِّف تعاليم مستقرة بالكتاب المقدس (نفس الرأي من الإسلام للبهائية) ويغيرون طبيعة المسيح الإلهية ويقولون إن المسيحية ليست آخر الديانات (نفس القول من الإسلام للبهائية)، كما تجرَّأ هؤلاء المسلمون وارتدوا عن المسيحية فهم يقولون بإيمانهم بها كإيمانهم بالإسلام وبالتالي فهم مرتدون، ولكننا يجب أن نكون رحماء فلا نمنع عنهم الحق في الحياة كما يطالب بعض رجال الدين المسيحي عندنا بقتلهم (أغلب الأزهريين يطالبون بقتل البهائيين) أو كما يرى مثقفونا كذلك بقتلهم (جمال عبد الرحيم نموذجًا لطلب قتل البهائيين) أو رؤية البعض بسجن المسلمين (يوسف البدري يرى الاكتفاء بسجنهم). نحن سنتعامل مع المسلمين بإغلاق مساجدهم ومنعهم من شعائرهم فقط (حكم الدستورية 1975 بتأييد غلق المحافل البهائية والاستيلاء على أموالها) وهكذا لا نعارض حرية الدين فنحن لم نؤذِ أحدًا، بل فقط منعنا شعائر تؤذي النظام العام المسيحي!
لو حدث هذا سنعتبرها حربًا مقدسة ونسب الذين يشعرون بالغيرة من تفوقنا العظيم جدًّا عليهم مما أعجزهم فضيَّقوا علينا ديننا، الله أكبر فلنقتلهم جميعًا هؤلاء الكفرة… ما رأيكم؟.. هل نطلب تعميم التجربة؟
*مستقبلاً سيتم تعميم تلك النظرية على كل أصحاب الديانات الأخرى (نظرية التعامل مع البهائيين) وعلى رأسها المسيحية، ولنا في إرهاب السبعينات والثمانينات والتسعينات نموذج، فهو كان موجهًا ضد الكنائس ومتاجر المصريين المسيحيين بلا سبب إلا كفرهم وحِلة أموالهم وليس ضد البهائيين، بالطبع سيقول قارئ: كلا الأمر مختلف فأرد: والله لا يختلف أبدًا، فالمتطرِّف يقتات من تطرفه ويحيا به وليس له من دونه مصدر حياة ولا يمكن أن يحكمنا فكر أو فرد أو مجموعة متطرفة دون أن تفرز الأسوأ والأكثر تشددًا وطبيعة النظم التي تتالت باسم الإسلام حكمًا وإدارةً تشي بهذه الحقيقة سواء في أفغانستان أو إيران أو السودان.
نحن مصريون مدنيون في دولة مدنية لنا جميعًا حق المواطنة، لا تنازل عنه ولا ردَّة عن مبادئنا.
إن الأخطار لا تأتي أبدًا بتخطيط من الخارج دون ظروف مهيِّئة من الداخل.
لا صراع بين الدين والوطن، بل تكامل بين المادة والروح.
للوطن حقوق وللدين رأي كلاهما متكامل فقط إن أبصرت القلوب.
المواطنة هي الحل.
Monday, June 7, 2010
المدوَّناتِ البهائيةِ
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Prisoners in Iran
"Here’s an experiment for the reader: on a concrete driveway or parking lot, mark off an area of 3-by-4 meters (9 feet 10 inches by 13 feet) and/or 2-by-3 meters (6 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 10 inches). Cover, if you want, with a thin indoor/outdoor carpet. Now place yourself and four friends in the larger rectangle, and two people in the smaller one. You have no bedding, beds or pillows, just two thin blankets each. Now, stay in your space for two years. Toilet facilities are down a hall, when your guards permit you to use them.
Yes, guards. You are now representing the five men and two women who had served as an informal group attending to the spiritual and social needs of the several hundred thousand members of the Baha’i Faith in Iran. Last Friday, May 14, began their third year in Evin Prison in Teheran.........................................Please, pray for justice for these prisoners of conscience and victims of prejudice"
Friday, May 28, 2010
Irish President makes historic visit to Baha'i Centre
"You are marked out as people with values that are worth observing, worth learning from, worth looking at, worth imitating and so never be in any doubt of the value you are every single day in this world," President McAleese told a gathering of some 60 Baha'is during her first ever visit to the National Baha'i Centre in the Irish capital.
"Something you probably do not know, and I am sure it is true of many of you, is that in and through your lives, you are extraordinary ambassadors for your Faith," she said in impromptu remarks.
President McAleese, first elected as Ireland's President in 1997, made her special visit to the Baha'i Centre on 30 April to mark the Festival of Ridvan, the anniversary of Baha'u'llah's declaration in 1863 that He is the most recent in a line of divine Messengers that includes Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Zoroaster, and others.
Friday, May 14, 2010
To the Friends In Iran
“The heroic steadfastness of the friends in Iran in the face of such relentless persecution inspires their fellow believers around the globe to redouble their efforts to serve humanity and contribute to its material and spiritual progress.” May 2010 - Universal House Of Justice
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Alternatives to consumer culture is the focus of new Baha'i documetnt
A more profound look at human nature would reveal the ability to respond to a higher calling, suggests the document – issued this week for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development as it began its annual two-week session.
"The culture of consumerism ... has tended to reduce human beings to competitive, insatiable consumers of goods and to objects of manipulation by the market," it says.
In fact, "the human experience is essentially spiritual in nature: it is rooted in the inner reality – or what some call the 'soul' – that we all share in common," it states.
The document, titled "Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism," challenges the view that there is an intractable conflict between what people want – which supposedly is to consume more – and what humanity needs.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What we do in difficult time?
joy, for it means pushing back a boundary-line
and adding to one's liberty.
-- Henri Frederic Amiel
it is many short races, one after another.
-- Walter Elliot
Studies have shown that there are characteristics that positively influence resilience:
· Optimism: staying positive prevents needless worrying or negativity
· Engagement: getting involved with life prevents passivity and promotes a “take-charge” attitude
· Mobility: staying active helps control feelings of stress
· Adaptability: being flexible and adapting to change maintains a feeling of balance and calm
Monday, April 19, 2010
من روائع جبران خليل جبران
البعض نحبهم
لكن لا نقترب منهم ........ فهم في البعد أحلى
وهم في البعد أرقى .... وهم في البعد أغلى
والبعض نحبهم
ونسعى كي نقترب منهم
ونتقاسم تفاصيل الحياة معهم
ويؤلمنا الابتعاد عنهم
ويصعب علينا تصور الحياة حين تخلو منهم.
والبعض نحبهم
ونتمنى أن نعيش حكاية جميله معهم
ونفتعل الصدف لكي نلتقي بهم
ونختلق الأسباب كي نراهم
ونعيش في الخيال أكثر من الواقع معهم
والبعض نحبهم
لكن بيننا وبين أنفسنا فقط
فنصمت برغم الم الصمت
فلا نجاهر بحبهم حتى لهم لان العوائق كثيرة
والعواقب مخيفه ومن الأفضل لنا ولهم أن تبقى
الأبواب بيننا وبينهم مغلقه...
والبعض نحبهم
فنملأ الأرض بحبهم ونحدث الدنيا عنهم
ونثرثر بهم في كل الأوقات
ونحتاج إلى وجودهم ......كالماء ..والهواء
ونختنق في غيابهم أو الابتعاد عنهم
والبعض نحبهم
لأننا لا نجد سواهم
وحاجتنا إلى الحب تدفعنا نحوهم
فالأيام تمضي
والعمر ينقضي
والزمن لا يقف
ويرعبنا بأن نبقى بلا رفيق
والبعض نحبهم
لان مثلهم لا يستحق سوى الحب
ولا نملك أمامهم سوى أن نحب
فنتعلم منهم أشياء جميله
ونرمم معهم أشياء كثيرة
ونعيد طلاء الحياة من جديد
ونسعى صادقين كي نمنحهم بعض السعادة
والبعض نحبهم
لكننا لا نجد صدى لهذا الحب في
فننهار و ننكسر
و نتخبط في حكايات فاشلة
فلا نكرههم
ولا ننساهم
ولا نحب سواهم
ونعود نبكيهم بعد كل محاوله فاشلة
.. والبعض نحبهم ..
.. ويبقى فقط أن يحبوننا..
.. مثلما نحبهم
جبران خليل جبران
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Iceland's disruptive volcano
The volcanoe pictures are in this link:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
لابد من الاعتراف بالديانة البهائية كإحدى الديانات في مصر
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Earth Hour is Today Mar 27th
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Feminist Movement in Iran - By Tahira
She was born in 1820 and after being imprisoned, was put to death in August 1852 when she was thirty two years old. She was the first Iranian woman to throw off the veil and put on European dress and addressed large gatherings of men in public meetings. Western writers have praised her a great deal, although in Iran she is considered to be a devilish woman who corrupted the morals of Iranian women and confused their religious beliefs by preaching the Bahai faith. Also Martha L. Root in her book, Tahira, the Pure, Iran's Greatest Woman, says about her.
"Viewed in this light, one can understand her chaste spirit, her matchless courage, not only in the danger to her life but in her being the first woman in the Eastern Muslim World to dare to lay aside the veil even in brief movement, and in being courageous enough to go to the Badasht conference to consult with the group of men followers of the Bab.
The feminist movement in Iran, therefore started with the Bahai movement. The principles enunciated by the Bab were and are favourable to women. Later on, Sadigeh Katnum Daulatabade and Khanum azamodeh, whose names are closely associated with female education in Iran, became the pioneers in this field. The work of these two enthusiastic women was welcomed everywhere in the country and education of girls became a common phenomenon.......
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Arts, Crafts and Sciences
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy New Year Mar 21.... كل عام وأنتم بخير ونيروز سعيد
are doing to promote family life and strong moral values. I fully support
the work, you do to promote good relations, a better environment for us all
and cultural diversity and hope that your positive outlook and commitment to
a better future for all of us will continue.
I would like to extend my heartfelt best wishes to the entire Bahá'ís faith
in Derry and the North West at this important occasion and wish you all a
very peaceful and happy Naw-Ruz."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
What is spirituality?
What is spirituality? http://www.soulpancake.com/post/769/what-is-spirituality.html
Saturday, March 13, 2010
لا تضيع وقتك الثمين في الثرثرة
في أحد الأيام صادف الفيلسوف العظيم أحد معارفه الذي جرى له وقال له بتلهف:"سقراط،أتعلم ما سمعت عن أحد طلابك؟"
"انتظر لحظة" رد عليه سقراط"قبل أن تخبرني أود منك أن تجتاز امتحان صغير يدعى امتحان الفلتر الثلاثي"
"هذا صحيح" تابع سقراط:"قبل أن تخبرني عن طالبي لنأخذ لحظة لنفلتر ما كنت ستقوله. الفلتر الأول هو الصدق،هل أنت متأكد أن ما ستخبرني به صحيح؟"
"لا" رد الرجل،"في الواقع لقد سمعت الخبر و..."
"حسنا"قال سقراط،"إذا أنت لست أكيد أن ما ستخبرني صحيح أو خطأ. لنجرب الفلتر الثاني، فلتر الطيبة.هل ما ستخبرني به عن طالبي شيء طيب؟"
"لا،على العكس..."
"حسنا"تابع سقراط"إذا ستخبرني شيء سيء عن طالبي على الرغم من أنك غير متأكد من أنه صحيح؟"
بدأ الرجل بالشعور بالإحراج. تابع سقراط:"ما زال بإمكانك أن تنجح بالإمتحان،فهناك فلتر ثالث - فلتر الفائدة. هل ما ستخبرني به عن طالبي سيفيدني؟"
"في الواقع لا."
"إذا" تابع سقراط" إذا كنت ستخبرني بشيء ليس بصحيح ولا بطيب ولا ذي فائدة أو قيمة، لماذا تخبرني به من الأصل؟"
Friday, March 12, 2010
Beautiful Poem for the Fast
O My loving companions on the path
Think ye that the fast is a burden?
Even should you waste into nothingness,
This would be a joy beyond compare.
For those that enjoy this mystic meal,
The True Fast begins at sunset.
If it be that thy stomach groans
And thy tongue is a desert,
Eat and drink thoughts of thy Beloved
Whose sweet fresh water cleanses
And heavenly food strengthens.
And as thy body empties itself, so too
Empty the cup of the heart of self and passion.
And in thy growing weakness
Feel thy humility before God and thy fellows.
And as the dreary hours pass along,
Think of what store of patience
Ye may gather for the coming year.
And as thy body begins to lighten,
Let thy soul float like a kite
In the breezes of the spirit
Though still attached to the form
Which is fulfilling its daily duties.
And when you desire something,
Think of the One Desired,
Who has created all of what thou hast ever desired.
And as your hunger grows,
Think of those less fortunate souls
Who cannot replenish their flesh
During the sleeping of the sun.
And when you break bread,
Think of thy fellow Baha'is all around the world
In unity with your actions.
Stephen Newbegin,
first published in the California Regional Newsletter,
June 1975
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Baha'is Fast from Mar 2nd till Mar 20th
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Culture of Human Rights
Saturday, February 20, 2010
توصيات مجلس حقوق الإنسان بالأمم المتحدة بشأن مصر
Friday, February 19, 2010
Baha'i Education in Australia
Baha'i Education in State Schools in Australia:
The classes assist children to develop their spiritual nature, complementing the material and physical education provided by schools. Based on the teachings of Baha'u'llah, the classes emphasise the development of spiritual attributes or virtues and attempt to foster in students the knowledge, skills, understandings and values required to be world citizens. Students are encouraged to embrace the oneness of humankind in all its diversity.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Purpose of Religion....Fellowship and Love
"Religion should be the means of good fellowship and love.
It must upraise the standard of harmony and solidarity.
If religion is conducive to hatred and enmity,
its existence is harmful to the welfare of the community.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
فأجبته بأني أعبد ربي بكل الأديان السماوية
بقلم الشاعرة الليبية ردينة الفيلا انتزع مني بطاقتي الشخصية ليتأكد أني عربية وبدأ يفتش حقيبتي وكأني أحمل قنبلة ذرية وقف يتأملني بصمت ... سمراء وملامحي ثورية فتعجبت لمطلبه وسؤاله عن الهوية كيف لم يعرف من عيوني أني عربيه أم أنه فضل أن أكون أعجمية لأدخل بلاده دون إبراز الهوية |
Monday, February 8, 2010
Science and Religion together
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein
"If any religion rejected Science and knowledge, that religion was false. Science and Religion should go forward together; indeed, they should be like two fingers of one hand. (Abdu'l-Baha)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Earth - our Home
The 90 minute video, Home is a powerful narrative of life on Earth and the impact of humans on Earth’s life systems. It begs the question – what are we to do given this information? It’s worth a watch and a discussion.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Question to our readers?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
أفراد الأقلية الدينية البهائية في إيران يواجهون "محاكمة استعراضية"
Monday, January 25, 2010
مع الحق الوطنى للمصريين البهائيين
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Best Way for Mothers to Worship God
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Oh Haiti
PORT-AU-PRINCE (January 16, 2010) - CARE warned Saturday that pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and young children are at greatest risk in the wake of an earthquake that has devastated the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and left nearly three million people in need of assistance. There are an estimated 37,000 pregnant women among the affected population in urgent need of safe drinking water, food and medical care. Half of Haiti's population is younger than 18 years old.
Hospitals and medical centers have been destroyed, and remaining centers are overwhelmed treating people injured from the quake. With limited or no access to health facilities, pregnant women are at an even greater risk of complications and death related to pregnancy and childbirth. Haiti already has the highest rate of maternal mortality in the region: 670 deaths per 100,000 live births.
We believe as Baha'is that all crises are meant to unify the Human race....
"The crisis that exists in the world is not confined to the farmers. Its effects have reached every means of livelihood. The farmers are in a sense better off because they at least have food to eat. But on the whole the crisis is serving a great purpose. It is broadening the outlook of man, teaching him to think internationally, forcing him to take into consideration the welfare of his neighbours if he wishes to improve his own condition. In short it is forcing humanity to appreciate the significance and follow the precepts laid by Bahá'u'lláh. The present and perhaps the near future is dark, but we have the wonderful promises of the Master before us and they shall become true ..." ( Lights of Guidance, p. 130)
"....When such a crisis sweeps over the world no person should hope to remain intact. We belong to an organic unit and when one part of the organism suffers all the rest of the body will feel its consequence. This is in fact the reason why Baha'u'llah calls our attention to the unity of mankind..... " Shoghi Effendi
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Life lesson from Alexander the Great Greek King
He now longed to reach home to see his mother’s face and bid her his last adieu. But, he had to accept the fact that his sinking health would not permit him to reach his distant homeland. So, the mighty conqueror lay prostrate and pale, helplessly waiting to breathe his last. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.” With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king’s last wishes.
“My first desire is that,” said Alexander, “My physicians alone must carry my coffin.” After a pause, he continued, “Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury. “The king felt exhausted after saying this. He took a minute’s rest and continued. “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin.”The people who had gathered there wondered at the king’s strange wishes. But no one dare bring the question to their lips. Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?” |
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said: “I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt. I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure any body. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted.
The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell People that not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent all my life earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.
And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I wish people to know that I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world.” Alexander’s last words: “Bury my body, do not build any monument, keep my hands outside so that the world knows the person who won the world had nothing in his hands when dying“. |